Transform Your Life: Unlock a better version of   YOU. A more calm, empowered & confident You.

Get access to on-demand training videos, monthly live coaching sessions, tools, templates, guides, meditations & 24hr support in the private Facebook Group.

You will see other memberships charging from £40-£400 for this kind of value from a licenced Therapist. 

But, I wanted to make sure everyone could afford access to life-changing tools & techniques for just £7 per month.

You want to go from Anxious to Awesome but…


Do you feel your current life situation is keeping you stuck from living the life you deserve.

Discover the power of STRESS-LESS MASTERY, recognise your triggers & learn tools to manage & cope more effectively, helping you to take back YOU 🤍


Have you have had enough of people pleasing & feeling unhappy? Do you feel its time to put you first for a change?

Well, come inside the ‘Inner Sanctuary’  work through  MINDSET MAKEOVER to Liberate yourself from the shackles of whatever is holding you back 🤍


Have you lost your confidence & self-belief? Are your days filled with feelings of  anxiety, fear & worry?

Experience the CONFIDENCE CATALYST to help you break free from self sabotaging behaviours & negative thoughts & unleash your inner power 🤍

Let me show you that it’s possible

  🌟 To Unlock Your Path to Inner Freedom and Well-being with the Liberated Memberships! 🌟

I have worked in the field of personal & professional development for almost 40 years, in my own private businesses & within local government departments as well as juggling family life, a journey many women across the globe can resonate with.

In today’s fast-paced world, the challenges of harmonising work, family, relationships, and financial responsibilities often generate overwhelming stress and anxiety. I understand, because I’ve been there too. The relentless pressures, the stress & pressure at work, the heart-racing worries – they’re all too familiar.

But here’s the inspiring part: I’ve not only faced those very challenges head-on, but I’ve also emerged stronger and more emotionally resilient. My personal transformation came through the liberating embrace of complementary therapies and other energy healing & mindset modalities. My journey propelled me to pursue advanced qualifications, leading me to become a Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapist, specialising in tackling the gripping struggles of stress and anxiety.

As the founder of the ‘Mind You‘ Therapy Practice, I’ve witnessed lives transform. Clients have shifted from anxious to awesome, from weighed down to walking tall. Their stories are the heart and soul of why I’ve launched Liberated. Providing you with a low-cost access to join a community where mindsets shift, inner chains break, and overall confidence & well-being flourishes.


but I’ll be honest with you,

Getting to this point took personal commitment

For many people, living with stress & anxiety has become normalised, they think that this is just how it is and they have no control over people, events or life situations. The opposite is true, we all have control over our thoughts, feelings & behaviours.  You may just need reminding that you are the ‘Boss of You’ & you get to make the decisions about your life.

Is now the right time for you to break free from limiting beliefs, stressful situations, anxiety, people-pleasing, low mood & lacking in confidence? 🤍.

If the answer is YES, join me to feel ‘Liberated’, let me show you how to use science & evidence-based techniques to shift your mindset & take back the reigns of your life. Commit to taking control of your own mind & overall health & well-being, to embark on a transformation journey like no other. I am on a mission to help empower women to live their lives filled with self-belief, unshakeable confidence, and inner happiness, why? because we are worth it & we deserve it 🤍.


I share with you the same tools I used & use with my clients who have experienced life changing results.

I want the same for you & more!

So, what are they?

It all starts with 3 Simple Steps…

The Inner Sanctuary draws inspiration from the iconic Princess Jasmine in the movie Aladdin. She was expected to be seen but not heard, many women even in this 21st century, still face societal constraints and cultural expectations, that limit their hopes & dreams.

Jasmine’s determination to break free from these restrictions and her empowering song, ‘I Won’t Be Silenced,’ serves as a powerful analogy for our members.

We encourage women to embrace their inner strength and refuse to be controlled by external forces. The lamp with the genie inside becomes a metaphor for recognising, that we don’t need external sources to grant our wishes. Instead, through mindset mastery, we can unlock our own potential and become the architects of our own futures.


Mindset is everything. Mindset refers to the collection of beliefs, attitudes, and thought patterns that shape how we perceive the world, approach life challenges, and make decisions.

It’s the lens through which we view ourselves and our capabilities. We focus on helping women cultivate a positive growth mindset, so that they can build emotional resilience, overcome obstacles, achieve their goals, and lead fulfilling lives on their own terms🤍



Get access to a library of science & evidence-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) resources. Guides, journals, trackers & more.

Video lessons to go through at your own pace, revisit as often as you want to help embed your learning.

Monthly Coaching Q&A’s to help gain clarity & encouragement🤍












Gain access to our vibrant like-minded community of women, where you will find a sense of belonging and feel valued, accepted & understood.

A safe & nurturing space to experience a sense of genuine support & encouragement, to help inspire your personal growth, self-belief &  empowerment🤍

What you’ll learn

Stress-Less Mastery

In Stress-Less Mastery you’ll learn to understand stress, the impact it has on your life, and what causes you to feel stress.

You will learn tools & techniques to manage stress effectively so that you can face life challenges with emotional resilience & inner confidence 🤍



Understanding Stress

The impact of stress on your mental, emotional, and physical well-being.


Identifying Your Triggers

Recognise what pushes your buttons & how it affects you in daily life. Your thoughts, feelings & behaviours.



Stress Management Tools

Stress relief, self care, breathwork, mindfulness & emotional resilience.

Mindset Makeover

Mindset Makeover, you will be able to work through whether you have a fixed or growth mindset & learn how to stop your limiting beliefs.

Within the Inner Sanctuary, you will have access to meditation & self-hypnosis audio’s to support your inner calm at a deep level of mind.



Fixed & Growth Mindset

Learn the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset.


Stop Your Limiting Beliefs

Identify limiting beliefs that hold you back in various aspects of your life.


Mindfulness & Meditation

Introduction to mindfulness practices and meditation techniques, helping you become more present, reduce stress, and cultivate a positive mindset.

Confidence Catalyst

In Confidence Catalyst, you will learn how to overcome self-doubt, develop assertiveness & feel empowered.

More importantly, you will learn that putting yourself first for a change is essential in reclaiming your inner peace, health, happiness & overall well-being🤍



Overcome Self Doubt

Strategies to dissolve self-doubt, boost your self esteem & self belief.


Self Empowerment

Learn CBT techniques that will help you reframe negative self talk & reshape how you show up on a day to day basis.


Self Confidence

Learn to embrace emotional resilience & self care. Use CBT techniques to boost self acceptance & inner self-confidence.

Get instant access to

All of these resources

Meditation Audio’s

Guides & Journals

Reflection Exercises

Self Paced Learning


Podcasts & Audio Books
